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Cum v-a afectat introducerea de catre Vetassess a "Date Deemed Skilled" incepand cu 01.01.2015?

Link: http://www.vetassess.com.au/Portals/0/Downloads/qualification_assessment/VETASSESS-update-on-application-processes-for-skills-assessments-for-general-professional-occupations.pdf?vid=100

The Skills Assessment criteria and the occupational groups (A-F) will remain
the same. Applicants will need to hold a qualification which is assessed as
comparable to the required educational level for their nominated occupation in
a highly relevant field and one year of employment that is highly relevant and
at the required skill level.
Additionally, based on the applicant’s qualification and employment evidence
provided within the last 10 years, VETASSESS will determine the date at
which the applicant is deemed skilled based on closely related employment. 

What is “Date Deemed Skilled”? 
It refers to the date that an applicant is considered skilled in their nominated occupation and
therefore eligible for claiming employment points from that date and not earlier. 

For example: 
An applicant nominating the occupation of Chemist (ANZSCO Code: 234211) completes a
relevant Bachelor degree in 2007 and has four years of relevant work experience from
January 2010 to December 2013.
One year of work experience post the relevant qualification meets the skills assessment
criteria and the date the applicant is deemed skilled will be January 2011. Therefore, all
relevant/closely related employment from January 2011 will be considered skilled
employment and eligible for points test purposes.


  • Probabil ca sunt putini pe forum care isi echivaleaza studiile si calificarea prin Vetassess, si mult mai putini care au depus documentatia in vederea calificarii dupa 01.01.2015. Din pacate, eu mi-am depus anul acesta documentele in vederea echivalarii si mi-a cam dat peste cap planurile.

    Interesant este ca decizia celor de la Vetrassess este pusa sub semnul intrebarii chiar de Prim-ministru Aus. 
    "General science occupations are assessed by VETASSESS. Their requirements are very difficult to meet - in particular:
    • It is not clear whether research done as part of a PhD can be counted towards the VETASSESS requirements - in particular, VETASSESS requires work experience to be paid
    • VETASSESS requires work experience to be specifically in the occupation and the criteria are far from transparent
    • Work experience can only count if it was completed within the last 5 years - as a PhD can take 3 or 4 years, this seriously disadvantages students seeking to use work experience prior to their PhD
    Aiko's occupation is assessed by VETASSESS and so she is unlikely to be able to pass skills assessment in her occupation due to the strict VETASSESS work experience requirements.
    Skills assessment standards must also be reviewed for the changes to be effective."

  • Sa vedem si partea buna a lucrurilor, eu n-am vazut-o. :) De la 01.12.2015 nu se mai cer ca documentele sa fie legalizate. Eu am dat vreo 500 euro numai pe legalizare.